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Bathroom Remodeling Part 1

We decided to remodel the master bathroom, and, at long last, employed a general contractor, Building America after several quotes. They began work this past Monday, and it looks like it will take through early next week. It will include a new tile floor, a new (and more efficient) door layout, new sink and vanity, new medicine cabinets, new ceiling, etc. It will be great.

I disassembled my entertainment center on Sunday night. I had that thing since my grad school days. My dad and I had assembled it when I first moved in, and it was well-constructed.
The old shower. Old tiles, 1975's style door, difficult to maintain.
The old ceiling. The fan was loud, rusty, and didn't fit well.
The old sink. Cracked. 1975's style vanity. Mirrors that were discolored. The fixtures on the sink were fairly new, as my dad had installed them about a year or so ago (due to leak problems).
The old vanity.
The first day of demolition. The shower is no more.
The first day of demolition. The vanity is no more.
The third day. They sealed the bottom of the shower with a tar-like substance.
The shower valves. Unfortunately, they are buried in the wall, and it requires that the complex water be turned off for a significant amount of time, if we were to replace.
The area without the vanity. They replaced the shutoff valves.



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